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Deutscher Fachverband Coaching

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Procedure and Options

The coaching session - process:


Appointments take place in person - indoor or outdoor, or online.


  1. You contact me. You can do this by phone, email at info(at) or via contact form.

  2. We will clarify what exactly your coaching assignment is about, talk about the general conditions and you can see whether you can imagine further work together with me. At this appointment we can begin the first part of the change work.

  3. I will ask you many questions about your concerns and goals in order to provide new perspectives and, in a collaborative dialogue, I will accompany you through your process with different and individually selected interventions.

  4. Along with this phase of change, its learninf and results, we also continually develop realistic implementation strategies, which you can then test, implement and integrate into your everyday life little by little. We'll pick up again on the following date, adjust the process accordingly if necessary and keep your goal/topic focus in mind.

  5. At the end of the coaching, you can summarize your changes and the clarity, implementation and/or successes you have achieved and evaluate the quality of our work together

Your options at a glance:

We discuss the individual scope (frequency/duration) together, depending on your needs and concerns.


  • Initial consultation / free introductory consultation, lasting approx. 30 minutes By telephone or online

  • Psychological counseling / coaching approx. 60 minutes per appointment outdoor/indoor/online

  • Nature coaching approx. 60 minutes per appointment, outdoor

  • Business coaching depending on scope and objectives, price on request