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Deutscher Fachverband Coaching

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The choice of name: Since my time at the Mount Etjo Safari Lodge, this place has not only become my home, but also the love for rhinos and their species protection was born. While you might think that the rhino's size means brute force, the exact opposite is true. These are gentle creatures that love to roam in open grasses and enjoy a mud bath. The gray giants make their way through the African savannah and are not easily distracted from their path.


As a powerful and yet very sensitive mammal, the rhinoceros can also be given important meanings in its symbolism: Rhino symbolism lets us know that we have to take a closer look at everything around us because things are not as they seem. The Rhino reminds us to pause and give thanks for the countless miracles that occur in every moment of our lives. If you have a rhino dream, it suggests that you need to move forward with your goals. In other words, like the boar, don’t take “no” for an answer. Don't let obstacles distract you from your goal.


The feature on the rhino's body that stands out, besides the obvious size, is the horn. Mystics and shamans alike view this horn as a symbol of spiritual awareness, enlightenment, prayerful life and connection to the divine. They say seeing a rhinoceros in your visions means opening a path through the veils of uncertainty and confusion and stepping into the light of consciousness to become an awakened being.


Another help that the Rhino Spirit Animal offers us is increasing our self-confidence. When our foundations seem to be crumbling, the Rhino stands firm. There is substance in Rhino's presence. It stands in solidarity with you. We all have these qualities within us, but events in life can take us away from this inner and personal power. My holistic coaching approach offers you structured and solution-oriented support to bring your path back into focus.